Plantvoice, the agricultural revolution is an high-tech toothpick

Interview with Matteo Beccatelli, founder of Plantvoice: how IoT technology is transforming agriculture by enabling plants to communicate their health status and promoting sustainable resource optimization

Agriculture is undergoing a period of great transformation and complexity.

On one hand, the sector is among the most vulnerable to climate change. Extreme events, rising temperatures, and shifts in the dynamics of pests and pathogens threaten global food production. According to IPCC reports, climate change has already reduced food and water security, with direct impacts on crops and access to natural resources. Estimates indicate that by 2050 some 216 million people may be forced to migrate due to the water crisis and loss of arable land.

On the other hand, agriculture contributes significantly to climate change. It accounts for 23% of global greenhouse gas emissions, considering both direct agricultural activities (8.5%) and changes in land use (14.5%).

If we could do a sustainability report and apply CSRD to a sector as a whole, we could say that we have just done the double materiality analysis of the agricultural sector. If agriculture suffers the risks of climate change (environmental materiality), it also generates relevant impacts on the environment and society (financial materiality). In this framework, the IRO (Impacts, Risks and Opportunities) paradigm also clearly emerges. We talk about the environmental and social impacts generated by the agricultural sector, the systemic risks to which it is exposed and the opportunities for transformation and innovation that can arise from the adoption of advanced technologies and more sustainable approaches.

In this scenario, it becomes clear that solutions can come from a smart combination of technology and a sustainable approach.

Technology and sustainability are precisely the key words of Plantvoice, an IOT solution designed to meet the needs of an entire sector that yearns to fix its problems. We spoke with Matteo Beccatelli, CEO and co-founder, to learn more.
Developed in Bolzano, Plantvoice represents a true smart graft that allows plants to communicate their health status through real-time sap analysis.

Innovating in agriculture means letting the fields speak, allowing each plant to tell what it needs to grow at its best.’

Plantvoice technology: how it works

Plantvoice’s innovation is based on a plant-friendly, non-invasive biosensor about the size of a toothpick. The device is integrated directly into the plant. And it allows real-time analysis of the sap and blood of the plants, providing immediate and accurate data on their health status. The technology is protected by an international patent covering 80 per cent of the world’s agricultural land, testifying to its uniqueness and relevance.

Matteo Beccatelli:
Matteo Beccatelli

‘Measuring plant stress directly is the only way to obtain reliable data and take timely action. Stress, in fact, represents any physiological abnormality of the plant: nutritional deficiencies, infections, or adverse weather conditions. Understanding and addressing these issues at the right time is crucial to preserving crop quality and optimising yield. Unlike many technologies already on the market, we distinguish ourselves by our ability to collect data directly, from inside the plant itself. Competing technologies rely instead on environmental or satellite data, external measurements that require indirect deductions. This means relying on information extrapolated from conditions outside or distant from the plant, with an inevitable margin of error. Plantvoice eliminates this uncertainty. Our data comes directly from the sap, the vital heart of the plant, and not from what is happening around it’.

The sensor, once inserted into the plant, acts as a sentinel, detecting chemical and physiological changes that indicate potential problems. This data is then processed by artificial intelligence that interprets it, associating each signal with a specific cause. 

‘It’s like doing an electrocardiogram on a plant. – says Matteo – Our sensor detects the variations, while the artificial intelligence acts like the cardiologist, translating those signals into understandable and actionable responses.’

This system opens a window on an unexplored world. Immediately and scientifically analysed plant physiology creates a completely new database that revolutionises the way plants are studied and cared for.

Practical benefits: productivity and sustainability

Plantvoice is an advanced technology that combines production efficiency and sustainable resource management. It is a strategic ally for agriculture and farmers. Thanks to its biosensor, farms can reduce their consumption of water, fertilisers and pesticides by up to 40%. And at the same time guarantee an increase in crop quality and yield.

Our technology makes it possible to maintain high quality standards, which for many supply chains is crucial. At the same time, it generates a positive environmental impact, creating value for both the company and the environment.”

Saving on water and energy has a strong environmental impact, but is often not enough to encourage farmers to invest in new technologies. Plantvoice offers concrete added value: it improves product quality, reduces waste and optimises the harvest. This directly affects the profit and loss account, turning a cost into a competitive advantage.

‘Farmers see tangible results in managing crop stress and standardising final crop quality. Being able to count on a more uniform and defect-free product means improved commercial value and reduced losses.’

This combination makes Plantvoice a solution that simultaneously addresses environmental SOS, and the practical and financial needs of farmers. It aims to improve the present while laying the foundations for the future.

Projects and customers

Plantvoice is already operational on 120 hectares in Italy, monitoring apple, kiwi, walnut, raspberry, maize, vine and olive crops. Its early adopter customers include: Sant’Orsola, specialising in small fruits; Salvi Vivai, producing apple and pear trees; and Martino Rossi, a leading producer of gluten-free flours and functional ingredients.

‘We have helped our customers to maintain quality and manage crop stress more effectively. For us, it is important to work with medium to large customers, who already have technical and communication facilities, because this amplifies the impact of our technology.’

The value of Plantvoice to customers is tangible. More precise and sustainable management of resources, and a tangible improvement in crop quality. Thanks to real-time analysis and the ability to prevent problems before they become critical, customers can reduce losses and optimise their production processes.


Conscious farming with Plantvoice

Plantvoice is therefore certainly an innovative technology, but we can also baptise it as a new vision for the future of the agricultural sector.
A vision in which plants become protagonists, communicating their needs. And farmers can act with greater awareness, reducing waste and optimising the value of their work.

Innovation in agriculture means not replacing the farmer, but supporting him. Our technology allows the fields to talk, helping farmers to understand what is happening to their crops and take precise action.’
An approach that creates a connection between technology and tradition, to offer concrete solutions to the challenges of climate change and food security.

Looking to the future, Plantvoice aims to grow beyond the Italian borders.
The strategy includes launching pilot projects in key markets. Such as North and South America, Spain and Turkey, where technologies for agricultural optimisation and sustainability are a priority.

“Before focusing on international expansion, we want to consolidate our presence in Italy by demonstrating the concrete value of our technology through measurable results in both local and international markets.”
This focus on pragmatism and tangible results reflects Plantvoice’s philosophy, centered on lasting collaborations and real impacts

Ease of use is a fundamental pillar.

“Technology must be simple, intuitive, and aligned with the needs of farmers. Only then can we overcome barriers and promote widespread adoption.”
Ease of use combined with sophisticated data analysis capabilities.

Thanks to its ability to detect issues invisible to the human eye, such as diseases in their incubation phase, and predict future risks through aggregated data analysis.
“We can see what is not visible: this completely changes the way farmers manage their crops.”

Plantvoice thus paves a new path—an innovative interactive alliance between technology and nature to create value, restoring the deep bond between humans and the land to a new balance.

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